Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: Burning Babylon on June 18, 2013, 10:20 am
The article in question: ( A Swedish follow-up article which says he got paid for the damages caused: )
It's a somewhat old article but I feel it warrants it's own thread because of the implications for at least Swedish Customs. So a brand new Lego Model in its original packaging with no drugs in it somehow gets selected to be opened, but on what basis? Here are the possibilities as I see it:
* Hungary was flagged as a high risk country and they open packages arriving from there randomly on that basis alone.
* Drug residue from a nearby package "infected" this package which made a dog alert it.
* Someone has been sending lot's of LEGO packages with drugs in it, and they thought this was another one.
* They were under the impression this was a counterfeit Lego Set and were acting against copyright.
* The X-ray looked highly suspicious with many small parts which they had no idea what it was.
* They just opened it entirely on a whim without any basis at all, which they might do with any other package at any time.
Which theory seems the most likely, or do you have one of your own? Discuss :)
*it was a limited edition that the customs guy couldn't get his hands on so destroyed it cos if he can't have it no one else should !
Receivers name matches or is a name that has been blacklisted. Opening the package and getting the guy to come in and claim it was the only way to make sure the name matched the face???
But all of your suggestions sound plausible.